Jason like to make stuff, it was one of his hobbies and he's digital clock was the best thing hed made yet,
Jason's parents thought he would grow out of it, they were even contemplating on sending him to a boarding school, but this threat didnt stop him.
"Are you still makeing that? you being fixing it for hours what exactly does it do?" jason's sister mika stumbled in, "its, a toy a digital clock, credit card scanner and a game all in one!" he said as she was looking over his sholder. "yawn! well brother you do the most boaring things," she said symphathetically. "kids dinner!" "coming mom!"
That night as every one was fast asleep, the digital clock began to glow, and changed shape into a kind of odd oval shaped box, with 2 horn like things which seemed to be anteni, and a lock apeared on the frount. The odd thing started bleeping, it woke jason up. Jason peared at the strange object, he picked it up, and pressed what apeared to be a button on the side of the object. It stoped bleeping, but the glow chnged from s yellow-green color to a white light, and sudenly there was a big thud. all was scilent for a moment and jason put the object down, It had stoped glowing, but jason could feel something, something strange was in his room with him. Jason felt what seemed like a tone of bricks press down on his legs, the weight shifted up the duvet until it was ontop of his chest, and two big green eyes apeared from out of the darkness of his room. The big eyes blinked twice, then a huge smile apeared.
"Hi," it said, "my names howlemon, can I be your friend?" jason quickly jumped out of bed and turned the light on, the creature now in full light apeared to be small, no bigger than a bedside cabinet, it had two long grey ears that floped down beside its head, and you could see that its green eyes were surounded by grey fur. it had 4 paws like a dog, but could stand like a human. Its two frount paws were blue and it had a button like noes.
"what are you were did you come from, and why do i feel like i know you," jason said trembling.
"Im a digital monster, a digimon, im not sure where a came from, just all i know is that i have been waiting for someone, and i think that someone is you."
Amounst the dead of the knight, a dark cackle could be hered, the cackle of something evil, The evil cackle belonged to a evil shadow, a female shaped character, dressed in black. A charactor with a evil pare of eyes and a devilish smile, this smile belonged to hecatemon, an evil digimon with emense power that surpassed her level, even now she was casting a spell. This spell was unkown to anyone, not even here evil minions, a small black shadow apeared next to her a smiled. "Are you sure this will work?" the small figure said in a finline voice. "If we trap them in a spell of sleep we could, find the D-stars." "Im working on it," hecatemon said sharply, "we need them to stand any chance of defeating dukemon, and wining the digiworld throne.....
What is a D-star? why does hecatemon need them? and who is the shadowy side kick? find out next time on digimon warriors!