Card captors crew
Here is the info on the cardcaptors gang, Pics are coming soon!
Name; sakura avalon (kniomoto sakura)
Age; 11
blood type; A
Items; Clow key (wand) star wand, and the book of clow, in line roller-skates
fav flower: cherry blossoms
Name; Tory avalon (kniomoto touya)
Age; 17
blood type; 0
Items; bike
fav flower: peach blossoms
Name; madason taylor(tomoyo daidouji)
Age; 10
blood type; A
items; camera, dresses for sakura
fav flower: violets
Name; Lee showron (sayoran li)
Age; 10
blood type; 0
Items; lasen board, sword and 3 clow cards (dash, time and freeze)
fav flower: peony
Name; meilin rae (li meilin)
Age; 10
blood type; b
Items; none
fav flower: lotus
Name; kero-chan (ceruberus or keroberos)
Age; unknown
blood type; unknown
Items; wacky accessorys made by madason to match sakura
fav flower: sunflower
Name; suppi-chan (spinel sun)
Age; unknown
blood type; unknown
Items; unknown
fav flower: popies
Name; Eli moon (Eriol Hiiragizawa)
Age; 10
blood type; AB
Items; unknown
fav flower: cherry blossoms
Name; Julian star + yue
(Yukito Tsukishiro + yue)
Age; 17
blood type; 0
Items; bike
fav flower: melie primrose
Name; Ruby moon (Nakuru Akizuki)
Age; unknown
blood type; AB
Items; unknown
fav flower: queen of the night