Heres the digimon movies, and a short summary about each one!
Digital adventure
This is the first one its set 4 years before 01, it mainly stars kari and tai. The story is about botamon who gets sent to the real world, and kari likes botamon so much she wants him as a pet, botamon becomes koromon and then agumon. agumon runs of with kari, just then parotmon apears, agumon digivolves to greymon, and then both digimon disspear, leaving kari and tai and the other diddestined watching.
Our war game
this is set After the digidestined defeat apocalymon, it only realy stars izzy, tai, matt and t.k, A digiegg hatches on the net, its wierd shortly after it digivolves to intraing and again to keramon and eats its way through the internet, Agumon and tentomon try to defeat him but before they can he warp digivolves to ultimate (infermon), patamon and gabumon arive to help but they are stoped buy infermon, gabumon and agumon warp digivolve but its still not enought, infermon digivovles to diaboromon and copys himself, but the two megas digivolve together to become omnimon and defeat him!
Digimon hurricain touchdown and supreme evolution: the golden digimentals
Despite the long title this is kewl! its mainly stars willice an american digidestined and his twin digimon chocomon and gummimon, chocomon is attacked by a virus and becomes endigomon, 4 years later, will is still trying to stop endigomon, davis, yolei and cody go to america and help kari and t.k who are already on the scene. terriermon digivolves to galgomon and teams up with flamdramon, but the still cant defeat him, endigomon warp digivolves to antylamon then cherubimon and causes havock, seraphimon and magnadramon realise the golden digiarmors of fate and miricules, and veemon and terriermon digivolve to rapidmon and magnamon the are swolled by cherubimon but they sort out hte problem and defeat him, cherubimon changes to vacsen type and then changes into a digidegg * deep breath* that took alot of time to summaries.
Diaboromon strikes back (our war game 2)
coming soon
The adventurers battle
coming soon