Digimon 04 also known as digimon scaners or digimon protectors stars 5 new charactors these are there names but for the moment its abit hush hush and toeis not giving much away however, these might all be rumors as i have yet to find any news of this on the japanese sites!
digimon scaners (to be confirmed):-
Cheak out our 04 page on digimon frontier, these names are just hoasks visit the page to find out the real info!
The return of friends
Davis and ken are rumored to make an aperance in digimon tamers!!! yep thats what i thought wouldnt that confuze the hole 25 years later plot???? well i dont know! ill keep cheaking this rumor! not true they dont apear but calumon is acctualy a shining enterty that was turned into calumon by the digigods!