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Transformers profiles
The cybertrons, come in a range of sizes and shapes, they are more commonly known as the autobots, they fight for there planet cybertron from the evil destrons!
Optimas prime
Optimas is the first leader of the autobots, he transforms into a powerful juggernaut. He was originaly known as orion pax, but due to an awful tragedy he was rebuilt into the first prime!
Ultra magnus + hotrod (rodimus prime)
Two of the most powerful transformers, they both get the chance to comand others, ultra magnus is a powerful and poetic leader the robot version of sir lancelot, hotrod takes his time and engoys stuff more but he is one of the best leaders!
Blurr, arcee, cup, springer, wheely, jazz, bumblebee
The enforcers of the autobot army, these guys are the fastest, toughest and smartest robots in the hole of cybertron!
Perceptor, blaster and cosmos
The comunications team, perceptor tends to over talk and use orqward language to the others, blaster is the sound master with a hip and cool atitude. and cosmos who is nt used to seizing the day, but they are all great help!
The destron, come in a range of sizes and shapes, they are more commonly known as the deceptocons, they are pure evil and wont stop until they beat the autobots!
Megatron and galvatron
The two evil leaders of the destron race, they have no feelings and crush anyone who stands in there way!
Scourge, cyclonus, starscream, soundwave
These guys are the skum of the universe, the have dasterly tricks and will do anything to beat the autobots!
Ramjet, thundercracker, dirge, blitzwing, and thrust
The jets of the destron army, they are faster than anyother destron, the mouths are considerably larger than any destron! the are set in tearing up the skys of the peiceful planet of earth!
Astrotrain and octain
These guys can transform into 2 diferent transformations (land and air), they can carry a large amount of transformers, but there personalitys are as blanck as a piece of paper!