the digimon devas
welcome to the world of the devas, the 12 spirits of the chinesezodiac! ** this goes with japanese and chinese, if my facts are wronge please contact me! These digimon are a combined 2 myothologys, the sacred animals and the 12 warriors of buddism.
from top left to bottom right these are the chinese charators for the sacred animals, the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit (not hare), the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep (not the ram), the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the boar(not pig)!
The tiger
Named after the warrior Mekira
Weapon: vajra (sharp knife)
The serpent
Named after the warrior sandeira
Weapon: sword
The rooster
Named after the warrior shindara
Weapon: rope and a staff
The ram
Named after the warrior haira
Weapon: bow and arrow
The horse
Named after the warrior indara
Weapon: staff
The ox
Named after the warrior Bajira
Weapon: sword
The rat
Named after the warrior Kubira
Weapon: vajra (sharp knife)
The pig
Named after the warrior Bikyara
Weapon: three pointed vajra (sharp knife)
The ape
Named after the warrior makura
Weapon: axe
The dog
Named after the warrior Shotura
Weapon: Mallet
The dragon
Named after the warrior anira
Weapon: trident
The hare
Named after the warrior anteira
Weapon: malet
and its not just the devas who are leving a big impresion cheak these guys out the tamers maga digimon!

Renamon's mega, biomerged with rika, sakuyamon is based on a the japanese god of the harvest who has fox minons, her rice mandala attack will take down any unsuspecting digimon!

Guilmon's mega, biomerged with takato, also known as gallantmon, dukemon symblosizes royal knights, he is a brave warrior and expert fighter!

Terriermon's mega, biomerged with henry, Saintgalgomon is a combination of 2 dogs, the saintbernard and the galgo (a breed german hound aparently)!
monodramon's mega, biomerged with ryo, justymon is the superman of the digital world, he is tough customer and hard to beat!

impmon's mega, Beelzemon is short for beelzebu wich is greece for devil, beelzemon looks hard on the outside, but does he really have a goodside? only juri knows.