Site history
well if you didnt know by now digimonlake is 1 year old! to celebrate im putting this page up to tell you about us!
Early august 2000
Digimonlake started out as Marril (yes i know its hard to belive thats origianl name), but thinking no body could probable spell marril/marill i changed it to pokemonlake, but getting board with that idea i changed it to digimonlake.
The original version never made it onto the net, but i changed my ideas and moved on.....
September, october, november 2000....
This is where i started the real site,, but with the fact that i couldnt expand much on maxpages, i moved after christmas to a new server which was becoming the next step onto digivolving for digimonlake.....
Christmas, onward to febuary 2001
The brinkster domain wasnt ready yet, but it was coming along alot! we changed the domain to and everthing started coming together for digimonlake,
April 2001
Digimonlake finnaly got its own domain name and was happily doing well, digimonlake expanded more and morem until she got abit to big for her boots....
July 2001
Digimonlake got bigger we moved servers to tripod and created - surpass reality, every day this site gets better than it was 1 year ago!
august - september 2001
Digimonlake celebrates being 1 year old and to mark this its got a new kiriban on the way....
1. black, blue and green (boring no pics)
2. blue blue and blue (maxpages boring)
3. bubbles (my fav patamon and bubbles)
4. Gillmon (
5. teal (what more can i say)
6. orental babys (chibimon and leafmon)
7. Armadillomon (boaring)
8. Culumon (cute)
9. Tamers balck and pink (the worst one ever)
10. sylphimon (this one i likes)
11. hawkmon strips (snazzy)
12. Birthday stripes angemon (blinding!)
13. Data file takato (this was my fist one using psp)
14. Sakura and nefertimon (with the new card captors theme)
15. Sakura and tai (snor)
16. tecno gatomon
17. cherry version (mm cherry flavour)
18. christmas calumon (newest 2 bars!)